Welcome to John F. Kennedy Middle School…Home of the Falcons! This school year is filled with excitement and many new learning opportunities. Middle school is a time to discover and explore our students’ abilities, talents, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors as they develop and grow into to a maturing and serious state of consciousness while working towards a common goal – that is, to successfully transition to high school to begin the next important chapter of their academic lives in order for them to take their place in society as responsible citizens. At JFK Middle School, we strive for excellence on a daily basis through the different programs that we provide, the community involvement, the interactions with parents and the continuous achievement from our kids. Our collective goal is to develop in our students a sense of curiosity, creativity and accountability. With all of us working together – parents, teachers, staff, community, and students- this school year can only result in positive outcomes. We hope you are as excited as we are for this great year!
Kharim Armand-Lafalaise, Ed. S.